Saturday, March 25, 2006

God Built the Spiral

You know, it is so cool when we run into something and it confirms for us that God is really doing some cool stuff and it isn't just at our little local church.

I just happened on a blog - - that shows that this whole "emergent church" movement or whatever is more than some fad or some catchy name of a group of pastors or churches. There are churches all over the country which are rethinking what church is all about and how to "do church" in a way that is meaningful and helps people learn to live like Christians. The mega-church movement had us thinking about how to "grow" our churches. But growing our churches is not about numbers - it is about growing disciples.

Wouldn't it be nice to know that Sunday morning is not the sum total of the average Christian's faith experience?

God has laid out a path that we are to walk - in the very steps of Jesus. I hope that every day I am better and better at keeping my feet in His footsteps.


  1. Sue,

    Thanks for the plug of my site. I have bookmarked yours so that I can check back often at yours.

    The quote that you had here that church is not about growing numbers but "about growing disciples" is so right on! Now, I have some issues with the whole emergent church movement, but I accept that it is attempting to answer the very valid question, "Isn't there something beyond ths Sunday morning only obligatory attendance at a place of worship?"

    Praise God the answer is YES there is!

    grace and peace right back atcha! :D

  2. Sue,
    Have you read Hybels book, Courageous Leadership? There is a great picture of community functioning within the church on p.22-23.
