Saturday, September 16, 2006

RevGals Friday Five - the Rookie Edition

This summer I discovered a web ring called "RevGalBlogPals." There are some intelligent, caring women - and men - whose blogs are a blessing to read.

I decided to participate in this weeks "Friday Five," a weekly meme, because it was kind of fun.

The meme begins here:

"In the coming days, I'll be meeting my creative/artistic role model--a singer-songwriter who has been a part of my spiritual journey for some 10 years now. I'm psyched!David Letterman used to have a feature on his show called "Brushes with Greatness." Members of the audience would share stories of encounters with famous people. And so...

1. Tell us about a time you met someone famous.

I worked as an usher at a summer stock theater when I was in high school, and I have been a regular attendee of concerts since then, because nothing beats live music. I have met Robert Goulet, Rita Moreno, Livingston Taylor, Eddie DeGarmo and Dana Key, and Randy Stonehill.

2. Tell us about a celebrity you'd like to meet.

I would love to meet Michael W. Smith.

3. Tell us about someone great who's *not* famous that you think everyone oughta have a chance to meet.

Our worship pastor, one of my very dearest friends, and a man who personifies the word grace, Glen Boardman.

4. Do you have any autographs of famous people?

Yup - Eddie DeGarmo, Dana Key, and Liv Taylor.

5. If you were to become famous, what would you want to become famous for?

Singing or preaching.

Bonus: Whose 15 minutes of fame was up long, long ago?

Yeah...Tom Cruise, Angelina and Brad, and Paris Hilton.

1 comment:

  1. I'm new to RevGals too. Been on it for a week. Welcome!
