Friday, October 20, 2006

October 20 Friday Five

Time once again to play the Friday Five. That means it's Friday again. Wasn't it Friday yesterday?!

Below you will find five words. Tell us the first thing you think of on reading each one. Your response might be simply another word, or it might be a sentence, a poem or a story.


...romance. Don't know why - must be all those chick flicks I've seen in my life. Some seem to lead to whirlwind weddings, but then the marriage is a whirlwind of an entirely different sort...


...cracking. As in my friend's woke up to their foundation cracking this past week and we are praying hard for them.


...a DeMotivators series poster. It had a picture of lightning, and the caption was, "Every cloud has a silver lining, but lightning kills hundred of people each year who are trying to find it." I laughed so hard at that!!


...a room that my parents house never had. It was a playroom!


...When you're this, you PRAY.

Happy Friday to anyone stopping by on this day.


  1. me too love the last answer!

  2. funny, I wrote about a whirlwind romance that's going to turn into a whirlwind wedding. It's the marriage of my ex gentleman caller and his new girlfriend.

  3. I think first "players" at Friday Five should get a ribbon.

    Wow! We must be grown-ups now - I took the last bin of toys out of our den last month to make room for a new couch...
