Sunday, October 22, 2006

"Wow" Moment

Last week I talked about having to tell my marching band that the show left me wanting more - as in volume, dynamism, passion - almost everything that would have made it a show.

This week I got to tell them that the show left me wanting more - as in can we please do that again because "THAT is what I'm talkin' about."

What a difference a week of hard work can make. There is so much in our society that says we have a right to instant gratification, and that if we want something we should be able to just go out and get it. Well, music doesn't work that way. That's why it's so good for people to be involved in music. You have to do the work to reap the benefit of a good performance and the good feelings that come from it. And nothing compares to doing a good show. I mean, there are a lot of good feelings in a pint of Ben and Jerry's, but not the kind of feeling you get coming off of the field after doing a good show, and realizing that the rest of the group was doing a good show right along with you.


1 comment:

  1. ARe you a music educator? Band??

    Welcome to RGBP - I am a public school special education teacher!
